If you are a victim of a terrorist crime in Sweden and live in another country
Regardless of whether you are visiting Sweden, have lived in the country for some time or are just passing through, you are entitled to support and help if you are the victim of a terrorist offence or another crime while you are in Sweden. The information on the pages about terrorist crimes applies to any EU-citizen who live, visit or stay in Sweden.
The information on terrorist crimes is available in nine different languages in addition to Swedish – Arabic, Bosnian, English, Finnish, French, German, Persian, Polish and Spanish.
Information in different languages:
Victim Support Sweden provides support to all victims of crime
Victim Support Sweden has a national helpline which all crime victims may call, regardless of whether they live in Sweden or not. On the 116 006 number, support is available in different languages.
The 116 006 number is also available in Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, and Portugal.
Victim Support Europe
Victims of terrorism in the European Union are entitled to receive information about their rights, support and compensation in the Member State where the crime was committed, as well as in the Member State where they live.
Victim Support Europe is an organization for victims of crime that may convey information on support in Sweden and in other countries. You find their website here:
On the Victim Support Europe website you can find victim support centers in your own country.
Interpretation and translation
Crime victims who do not understand Swedish are entitled to free interpretation, depending on their role in the legal process, as well as to the translation of certain information to a language they understand. As a minimum, decisions that the criminal proceedings have been terminated should be translated, and at the victim's request, also the reasons for such decisions or a brief summary of them.
If you need medical care and you do not speak Swedish you can get interpretation. Read more at:
If you live in another country, you have the possibility of compensation
If you have been the victim of a crime in Sweden it is possible to receive compensation for your injuries even if you live in another country. Therefore, check what applies in your home country regarding what compensation may be relevant from any insurance policies and from the state.
If you have questions about your right to compensation you are always welcome to call the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority's helpline on 090-70 82 00 which is staffed every weekday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or email us at registrator@brottsoffermyndigheten.se