If you are under 18 years old

This section is for young people under the age of 18. The information is intended for those who have personally experienced a terrorist crime as well as for those who have a family member or friend who have experienced it. The text is also intended for anyone who has learned about the incident on the news or via other media, and who may have questions.

Anyone who has experienced a frightening and menacing event may be in need of support. But other people too, who just hear about the incident, may be affected by it and need to talk about it.

Getting support in dealing with thoughts, emotions and reactions after a serious incident can help you feel better. The incident way also weigh on you less if you share it with someone.

The Regional Knowledge Centre for Crisis and Disaster Psychology at Region Stockholm has information for those who have been involved in a nasty or serious incident.

The organization Save the Children has produced material on psychological first aid for children who have been through something frightening and ended up in an acute crisis.

I want to know

The Swedish Crime Victim Authority’s website I want to know has important information for children and young people who have been subjected to crime. You can read about your rights, how you may feel after having experienced a crime, and where you can get help. The information is available in different languages.

Har du utsatts för ett sprängdåd och vill delta i en intervjustudie som Brottsoffermyndigheten genomför?

Brottsoffermyndigheten ska under våren 2025 genomföra en intervjustudie med personer som på olika sätt drabbats av sprängdåd. Syftet med studien är att ge en bild av samhällets stöd vid denna typ av händelse och bidra till förbättrade informations- och stödinsatser på området. Det är givetvis helt frivilligt att delta och namn och personuppgifter på dem som intervjuas publiceras inte i studien.

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