Terrorist crimes

The following contains basic information when a terrorist crime or a crime being dealt with as a terrorist crime has occurred. The text includes information about rights, support and help, possibilities for compensation, and contact details for actors who can provide further information.

This information applies for crimes occurring in Sweden as well as abroad. If you are a victim of a terrorist crime you can find information here. On a subpage, there is information for EU citizens residing in Sweden, under the headline If you are a victim of a terrorist offence in Sweden and live in another country. There is also a section with information that is useful for those who meet sufferers.

Information in multiple languages

The Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority's information for victims of terrorist crimes, relatives and those who meet vulnerable people is available in several different languages. You can find the information in the authority's gateway for other languages. When you select the language in the left menu, a subpage with the information will appear.

Sources of information

Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, abbreviated MSB in Swedish) and the Swedish Police are responsible for information to the general public in the of serious incidents. You can get confirmed information about the situation from MSB on the krisinformation.se website and on the website of the Swedish Police, polisen.se.

SOS Alarm has a 112 app that provides fast, relevant and reliable information about emergency situations in your vicinity.

You can call the national information number 113 13 to obtain or provide information about the situation in question.

Sveriges Radio broadcasts important information during crises. Listen to your local P4 station to hear more information about the incident.

When you take in other information you should always practice source criticism, which is to consider where the information is coming from.

If the crime occurred outside of Sweden, read more under the tab Terrorist crimes in another country.

You can also visit Utrikesdepartementet’s (the Ministry for Foreign Affairs’) website for more information about emergencies abroad.