Crime Victim Fund

The Crime Victim Fund can support crime victim oriented projects and activities, for example information campaigns, training, seminars and research projects. Funds can be awarded to researchers, non-profit organisations, or to activities run by private or public actors.

The Crime Victim Fund consists primarily of money from a special fee of 1 000 SEK, which every person convicted of a crime that is punishable by a fine sentence has to pay. A person who serves a sentence through electronic tagging pays a fee of 100 SEK per day, up to maximum 12 000 SEK. The Fund is also open for donations.

Every year, the Fund distributes approximately 45 million SEK. The Fund allocates its resources twice a year. Applications must be submitted at the latest 1 April and 1 October respectively.

Research Projects

The Crime Victim Fund supports research projects aiming to improve the conditions for persons who have been subjected to crime, or to increase the knowledge about problems concerning crime victims.

Victimological research, that is, research focusing on crime victims, includes a variety of disciplines, such as criminology, sociology, psychology, law, and medicine.

The Swedish Crime Victim Authority’s project database for crime victim research contains information on research projects which have been fully or partly financed by the Crime Victim Fund, or through funds designated for specific projects.

More information about applying for research funding is available in Swedish.

Crime Victim Oriented Projects

The Crime Victim Fund can allocate funds to projects with a clear crime victim orientation. The project’s overall aim must be to recognize and increase knowledge about crime victims, or to enhance the way crime victims are treated and supported.

More information about applying for funds for crime victim oriented projects is available in Swedish.

Har du utsatts för ett sprängdåd och vill delta i en intervjustudie som Brottsoffermyndigheten genomför?

Brottsoffermyndigheten ska under våren 2025 genomföra en intervjustudie med personer som på olika sätt drabbats av sprängdåd. Syftet med studien är att ge en bild av samhällets stöd vid denna typ av händelse och bidra till förbättrade informations- och stödinsatser på området. Det är givetvis helt frivilligt att delta och namn och personuppgifter på dem som intervjuas publiceras inte i studien.

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