
The person who has committed a crime is liable to compensation for any damage or injuries caused by the criminal act. This compensation is known as damages.

It is the injured party who must claim damages from the offender. To facilitate this, the prosecutor may prepare and present your claim for damages at the hearing if you so request. In principle, you can claim damages for all damage and injuries incurred in connection with the crime, e.g. damaged or lost belongings, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and violation of personal integrity.

If you wish to claim damages, you should tell the police so when they question you. At the same time you should say that you want the prosecutor to help you with your claim.

Even if the court orders the defendant to pay you damages, this does not mean that you will automatically receive the money. In many cases, offenders either cannot or will not pay voluntarily. In that case, the Swedish Enforcement Authority (Kronofogden) can help you collect the damages.

After the sentence has been announced, the local enforcement agency receives a copy of the sentence from the court. Some time after the hearing, you will receive a letter from this agency asking whether you would like them to collect the damages on your behalf.

If you do, you should fill in the form sent to you and return it to the Swedish Enforcement Authority. They will then investigate the financial situation of the offender. If he or she is found to have executable assets or income, the agency will ensure that you receive your damages.


Har du utsatts för ett sprängdåd och vill delta i en intervjustudie som Brottsoffermyndigheten genomför?

Brottsoffermyndigheten ska under våren 2025 genomföra en intervjustudie med personer som på olika sätt drabbats av sprängdåd. Syftet med studien är att ge en bild av samhällets stöd vid denna typ av händelse och bidra till förbättrade informations- och stödinsatser på området. Det är givetvis helt frivilligt att delta och namn och personuppgifter på dem som intervjuas publiceras inte i studien.

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